Kit Design Tutorial for BeginnersHere

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Thank you both for your comments.Yeah, I didn't want to select any logos that were already decent so I tried to go for ones that are a bit crap.@steevo - ...
10/15Nice use of the cherry blossom, but the colours dont work that well together. Not a bad shirt, just not as impressive as the paper cranes entry
Appreciate any comments/feedback.
@DJoletino - Personally, I admire many things about the Balkan states and their football, with its great national and club sides, and sadly, the new perception of football in that ...
Rabbi 2054 years ago CD Arenteiro
Not to sure a abut this one.
I don't like the typography, but i can see this in a football game. Good work :smile:
I love the concept! Colour your own kit.
I don't like purple and red together.Gold is good, but the colour I like to draw close to purple is white (and also black)..The fila shirt from 99 is quite ...
Steevo 2054 years ago Milton Keynes
could've done A.C. Mil....ton Keynes?you really really hate MK dones dont you?
Stripes are always the hardest things to get down on for these types of kits.....
exellent!! third kit the best!!!
curswine 2054 years ago Real Madrid
"I hate RM and I would still buy it. "That comment makes no sense to me whatsoever.
i just said that without shorts and socks it is not a Kit...just a shirt..,
to mouch happening in that shirt....all the detailes are good .....but to many in the same shirt.......a good shirt is a simple shirt with a good detaill or two......sometimes and ...

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