Kit Design Tutorial for BeginnersHere

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Guest 2054 years ago Italy 2010 by Umbro - 3 versions
Where did you get these templates?
Yeah, the black cat on the shirt might be a problem, but otherwise this is a great shirt.
bueno... si se ve bien retro jajajaja eso te quedo excelente.aunque no me agrada el equipo... en lo mas minimo, debo reconocer que es bastante agradable tu diseño, aunque el ...
I nice kit, and very nice presentation. If the jagged hoops are intentional, it is a good idea, and very original. I like it.
I think this one is a definate improvement. The shapes are better, and it looks more modern and classy. Well done.
Guest 2054 years ago England GK Concept
Hi! Nice work. Can You correct the download link?
Very nice, much more modern looking than the current crest, and the addition of the Fleur d'lis and the lion being the main focus of the crest makes it look ...
are you back?T.
The pose of the villa lion matched the one on the coat of arms the best, and I thought the Lion on the voat of arms was a bit too ...
13.5/15Superb. the colours and the idea behind this is wonderful. A great change kit.
I am not racist, I'm just realistic
Remember Blue is one of the colours of Deportivo Independiente Medellin, so that has to be removed before logo use.
I like this crest a loot, good work Mark.
so?i just try to give the best, i mean, this is original size from my illustrator
Nice. I do like a good sash.

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