Kit Design Tutorial for BeginnersHere

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I have made a new version without the laurel. Better? :wink:
13/15The design here is great, though not sure why it needed to be broken on the back to make for the players name and number. Still, the colours work great ...
No room for racism here, fuck off.
On the template, I think its a pretty good one, I like the design.On the teams youve chosen, it does not really suit AC or Juve, and youve made a ...
Scary07 2054 years ago Swansea City
Si, tu escudo es muy bueno !
agree :roll::
when we were*
Very, very nice.
As a Liverpool fan I must say it works very well, but the stripes on the shorts would look better in reverse on the back of the shorts or maybe ...
Hey, just wanted to tell you that you do pretty good work and I am a regular viewer of your blog ;-)
Jay29ers 2054 years ago X-Mas kit!
Are Christmas still playing that outdated 3-5-2 formation?
jjb_bg 2054 years ago Romania Away
for me the design is simple,nice work but not individual!
Interesting, doesn't have a Newcastle feel to it though, although I think Champion could make some cracking Newcastle kits it they made something like Parma's kits circa late 90's.I think ...
Guest 2054 years ago Boro Futsal Home Kit BB
Amazing... this one is very nice.....Pablo
I happen to disagree, thanks a bunch for the insightful bit of constructive criticism though!

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