Kit Design Tutorial for BeginnersHere

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Asi es, jaja
I think that the lotto shirts of the past few seasons, with the gold on have been really nice, but my faves have to be the reebok kits from that ...
Not a fan of this, the band sits unconfortably on the Clube Atlético Paranaense away Template, and the crest should be over the heart on the right hand side of ...
Jay29ers 2054 years ago X-Mas kit!
NO! That was rubbish! They play the Christmas Tree formation! It's too late. I apologise.
negative....I actually like it. not because it is negative think of it as an independent kit not knowing the current away.
curswine 2054 years ago Real Madrid
I agree with all the colour choices you have made, Real should embrace the purple heritage a bit more often I think. I think the new adidas shirt would have ...
arius85 2054 years ago Scotland 09/10 Away
Nice...looks like Bella Vista from Uruguay, Home Kit...
I was sarcastically addressing the above "Guest" poster's "statement" of course.
Thank you! my first idea was to make a shirt with green white and red color and not blue!but italy kits are blue!!!
Put the Holsten Logo on there instead of mansion, and this would be damn near perfect. Classy, traditional yet modern.
Wow guest comments just get funnier and funnier.
I think this is great. It's the simple red body and white sleeves that Arsenal need, but the way the cut below the neckline echoes the badge really makes this ...
I really like this. It looks classy, and still has the Algerian feel to it. I feel it is a big improvement on the current crest.
Guest 2054 years ago Liverpool Home Kit
I'll upload it again. noticed something that wasn't quite right so took it down. gonna get an away done as well.
great bro :cool:

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