I\'ve not made anything in quite a while, so am a bit rusty.
I know the shorts and socks could be better, but I am never good when it comes to designs for them. I\'m quite pleased with the shirt though.
Wow I'm surprised this got such good feedback, I think I will have to do more work on the shorts and socks design to make them fit in though.
Good spot, yeah it is inspired from a baseball collar, just with a more modern and football orientated approach.
Another thing which isn't as obvious is that when making something for Gabon I was looking at Gabonese culture and noted they were big on their masks. So if you look carefully you may just be able to make out eyes (where logos are), eyebrows (yellow collar bits), hair (sleeves) and where the number is should be the nose.
Curswine, I dont know how this would actually translate into a shirt due to the weird cut, but its excellent design work. You get 10 for creativity! I love how the yellow shapes are part of the shirts cut instead of just floating on the shirt like some ppl tend to do.:yes: