Kit Design Tutorial for BeginnersHere

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Thanks Spider. Yes DJoletino i do support Liverpool. Is that not obvious? :D:
julian121 2054 years ago Esperance
For clarity's sake, the nike logo should be red, and would fit in with the numbering aswell, but a good kit nonetheless
Good kit, it would sell a lot
Not that many entries so far, which is 1 - party my fault and 2 - pretty dissapointing, so the deadline has been extended until june the second. Thanks to ...
i saw that udinese shirt, it's 06/07 ( Monchengladbach used it also. i'm not a big lotto fan, but the kit looks ok. this celtic waved i drew many years ...
Not really, as the Red and white colours of the Fire are the same as the flag of Poland, where many of Chicagos citizens have family roots (Chicago has the ...
curswine 2054 years ago Colombia Alite Home Kit
Nice work you've done here Eleté, all your creations on your blog are really original and good looking too.
lol it makes my eyes hurt
Guest 2054 years ago SEVILLA HOME KIT CONCEPT
Your designs aren't very original, you seem to just copy other templates and add a different logo.
I think this is a really cool idea!
It's just a replica of their current top!(But with a few different details, but not enough for you to win the Competition!)
would be the best shirt in years
so diferent, so equal... that almost invisible difference in the color of the lines in left and right side... is incredibleonly, caution with the lines, are over the cut of ...

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