Kit Design Tutorial for BeginnersHere

Banner tfc tr

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Guest 2054 years ago sevilla 09/10 nike
not very seville :no:
tbh i thought they copyrited there desighs as they employ people 2 create them 4 the company
Está bueno, un diseño bien pensado con detalles muy buenos como siempre con tus kits...:wink:
Love This Shirt well done my dear friend.
meyer1 2054 years ago Feyenoord
very nice...good work mate.....big work in that one..right....
=/ this one didn´t like me... is so simple that make me sleep =/ sorry...
oh, and i like the idea, in principle, of changing the banner in the 4 on the top row to go out instead of back like most all banners in ...
not too keen on the illuminations one but i like this one.
Yes, it based on that kit. I've uploaded it in traditional colours. Hope you'll like it.
Steevo 2054 years ago Aston Villa
The embroidery effect is pretty simple to achieve. It was actually Tim1902 that used it on this site first on his Man Utd badge. It's just a program called ...
Really like this attempt well done :-) One adjustment i would make would be the patches on the arms dont need to be in circles, but apart from that its ...
Just realised the number on the front and the number on the back are different. How careless :lol: :no:
:eek:: :eek:: :eek:: :eek:: :eek:: I love this shirt :eek:: :eek:: :eek:: :eek:: :eek::
The three crowns is symbol for our national hockey team. It's also the team's nickname :-)
I like your crest redesigns. At least the few that I've seen on here recently.

Banner tfc 2

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