Kit Design Tutorial for BeginnersHere

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Adaptación de la camiseta Italiana a la perfección! Las 4 estrellas las tenemos también, y me gustó como reemplazaste un color raro en el conjunto de ellos -el marrón- por ...
I know these so well, they are as always excellent! love the shorts and the socks look good as well!And you have managed to pop the sash & sponcers name ...
Guest 2054 years ago Blackburn Rovers Home
that is the best rovers kit i've ever seen, much better way to handle the sponser than the bog black box we have currently!
very nice!
:smilewinkgrin: :razz: :razz:
Guest 2054 years ago Another submitted by email
how we get the winner?polling or the boro's choice??
I actually like the wierd wash effect.
When i get some free time i made estudiantes vintage kit for the great clash (if they made it to the final)... Barca also weare white shorts, but now a ...
A is my fave, I like the style of the shirt and the placement of the crest. only quibble is that the crest on the shirt and the shorts should ...
I'm sorry but I think nearly all of these are horrible, the only one which I feel is a decent concept is the French one.I had to delete the kits ...
that magpie!? REALLY!?
th32 2054 years ago AC Milan Home
How's that adidas job application going Steevo?
Nice template, and a good design as well. Especially the socks.
curswine 2054 years ago Aston Villa
Beautiful, any tutorials on how to create the embroidered look?
Awesome. I love it.

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