@mumbai Get out who? Gulla's certainly got a point there... that he refuses (for his own reasons,which is fine with me at least) once and the other guy insists is enough. Plus an AK 47? Lolwut? If you're talking about the other user,then sorry for the "attack".
I have received a number of this requests, what seams to be the trouble with this guy if I may ask? I am not all that keen on working for him as he is a bit aggressive in his requests.
@Rabbi Well he was polite in asking but the work he was asking for concerned me, he's asking for a gun on a football club crest... do you see the problem?
I do joegillibrand, that is why I did not do the crest he asked for. I did a crest for him and placed it here on DF but he asked me to remove it, I wanted to know why but did not get any answer. I have also looked at some of the club supporters site he has pointed out to me and I have had mixed feelings to wards them. and I also want to know what he is doing with thees logos I have maid for him, no answer there ether.
NiGarCas He has asked me to do the same crest and it was this crest I maid for him that he wanted me to remove from the DF. I think I give this guy a pass in the future I am not interested to do any more for him.