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Enxebre Logos (Fantasy Brand)
Image information
- Description
- Inspired by the Moom's new project, I've make this fantasy brand, which is related to Galicia (an autonomous community in northwest Spain) , and based there. Enxebre (En-She-Bre) is a Galician word with no truly translation, which means "something very characteristic of a country or region, deep roots, pure-blooded, authentic, pure typical, genuine, without contaminating. Given this meaning, I'll use this brand to make simple and traditional designs. The objective of the brand is to take a part from Galicia to the rest of the World, making the kits in Galician factories, with environmental sustainability and collaborating with the Galician primary sector, which is quite important for the region. All this can be summed up in the brand's motto: "Feito en Galicia e por galegos para o Mundo / Hecho en Galicia y por gallegos para el Mundo" (Made in Galicia and by Galician for the world). Let me know what do you think about this project. Every advice and constructive critique will be welcome and taken into account. Finally, I give credit to Moom, from whom I used the base for the logos presentation.
- Date
- Tuesday, 26 August 2014
- Hits
- 2874
- Author
- Rey