@Skyebaggie I'm not saying that, the thing is whether it's 2, 3 or 4 stripes, it still looks like it's Adidas. Don't get me wrong, this is not a critic, I just find it interesting.
Also, there is a Puma logo on the inner collar stripe or whatever is called ;-)
@cukun Well spotted on the label. I will work on my attention to detail before rushing a design out. Nothing wrong with a critique, it is one way that we learn.
Silky Smooth made a good point about how your stripes on the sleeves , regardless what number , make it look adidas and I agree with that 100%. But that is secondary, as far as this concept goes. I never like an update on USA crest, as the point at the bottom make me think US Olympic ski team, it is also look as an abstract owl... Well, that is the crest for right now, so, let it be. Why not make an adidas concept out of this garment - it is only a concept after all? In fact, you can nicely make three stripes on each of the cuffs and then make a top trim on the collar( remove the stripes from the sleeves entirely, as they are extra and leave the sleeves plain) and that will be very clever finish, as you will use all seven red stripes from the crest. Collar needs to be done diferently versus the one that you have going here, as I never like the horrible nike collars and their designs. Now, the main reason that I decided to make a comment on your design : make 25 stars on the front and 25 on the back of this garment - make this jersey all USA , as our flag goes and don't be stingy in that regard, we only live once! I don't think that you need to place a number on the front, it looks silly, plus the way it is - it is way too small. Hope that my comments didn't offend you in any way.
@hacobcem I am not offended by your comments as they are merely an opinion. What makes this site work, especially the kit and crest of the week, is that everyone has their own design interpretation and it is good to compare them against each other. On this site there is no wrong or right, as long as the design follow the tradition of the club, there is only more popular. Please do not tell me how you would do my design differently, post your own interpretation so that we can all enjoy it. Thank you for your time and contribution.