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20 Premier League Teams in 20 days: Arsenal
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- Description
- Thought I'd set myself a little task to redesign every Premier League team's badge over the next 20 days (Or 20ish. It is Xmas after all.) Arsenal have had their badge for over 20 years now, and while it's generally quite a clean design that features all the elements an Arsenal badge needs, some of the design elements are looking a little dated now. For me there are too many colours, I'm not sure navy blue is needed and has much to do with Arsenal, and the two shades of red are unnecessary. The general design of the badge has been copied dozens of time now. From Ireland to Israel, lots of other teams have taken the Arsenal badge design for themselves. The new design actually goes more traditional, including elements such as the year of Arsenal's inception and the fluer de lis from the Arsenal badge from the 1990's. The shape more closely resembles the shape of the badge from 1949 - 2002. The colours have also been reduced to just red, white and subtle outlining in gold.
- Date
- Thursday, 14 December 2023
- Hits
- 1120
- Author
- Tombot