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Home » Challenges » Chelsea Nike Kits Competition - CLOSED
Chelsea just closed a deal with Nike so I made this competiton just for fun to see what the kits might look like...... Home kit, away, third and/or Gk kits for Chelsea 2016/2017. Must be Nike kits....deadline June 18 2016....good luck!!! winners will be anounced shortly... WINNERS !!!!! home: 1. Rabbi 2. Corinth 3. AlekDre32 away: 1. xMemoBB 2.Smn Jms Dsn (white and black kit with black socks) 3. Perricone17 third: 1. matupeco 2. Ba7rawY 3. littletigrou gk: 1.Perricone17 2. OSB Design (black kit) 3. OSB Design (grey kit) THANKS FOR PLAYING !!!!!