i like the 2nd one, and the 6th... hell. theyre all really good. normally i dont like grads on crests, but it does look good, and its why i like 2 and 6 best, bc its lighter grad on those. i would love to see just one of these with A.) the inverted triangle free-transformed to make it a little taller... the height of it, but keep the same width; seems a lil smushed currently, and B.) have the elephant up on its hind legs, with the front two sort of bucking out! i like the inward curving legs of the elephant, but i would love to see it on its haunches!
oh, and i like the idea, in principle, of changing the banner in the 4 on the top row to go out instead of back like most all banners in logos do; i def like changing the status quo. but, i like the ones on the bottoms banners better, man.