Kit Design Tutorial for BeginnersHere

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The 357th stage of the Kit of the Week (KOTW) challenge centred on Paraguayan Primera División giants Club Libertad.

The Asunción-based side do fun things with their nominally black-and-white-striped look and DF members don’t need asking twice.

That said, Kevski77’s take on a simple look stood out amongst the entries - the technical sponsor’s choice of factory would need to be carefully considered based on the precision required for that raglan sleeve seam - even if the wilder look of others was appealing too.

ONI’s gorgeous alternating stripes on either side of the yoke line were enough for a bronze medal, while Qds’s use of colour on a largely black Away was inspired and silver-worthy, and Oakleighman having the wings from the crest reworked into decoration patterning for the white portions of the trunk resulted in the awarding of first place.

KOTW once again understood the assignment, with the required imagination for Libertad attained.

Club Libertad home concept
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Tombot 6 hours ago Kapan
Amazing. I love this style.
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