Kit Design Tutorial for BeginnersHere

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Sometimes, in the Kit of the Week (KOTW) challenge, the standard can be gauged by what doesn’t make the podium, as much as what does.

In the 349th stage, dedicated to Liechtenstein-based Swiss Challenge League side Fussball Club (FC) Vaduz, the likes of Kevski77’s somehow bold and understated creation and ONI’s work of beauty not making the top three speaks volumes.

Instead, the bronze, silver and gold medalling was reserved for, respectively, raffe’s entry, which just looks incredibly believable as a top-notch IRL football shirt, fayed’s achingly gorgeous offering, and Sithuralom’s winning submission, which sees inspiration taken from Vaduz Castle.

So, maybe, look at the top three, decide they’re superb, then look at the also-rans and realise they’re wonderful too. Ergo, a fantastic stage.


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Aegon 7 hours ago Chelsea FC
PNG Image:
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5 - oakleighman3 - AK1 - othycreative
kind of has an LA Galaxy kind of feel-in a good way.
@RedCardConceptscheers, that was the vibe I was going for
Transparent BG
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I love a good bit of asymmetry!