Kit Design Tutorial for BeginnersHere

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Occasionally, two or more DF members can’t be separated when it comes to counting the votes in a Kit of the Week (KOTW) challenge stage.

That happened (again) with the 340th stage, which was dedicated to Kazakh Premier League side Astana Football Club (FC).

That’s not the whole story, of course. giannakakis did something wonderful with the trunk of their entry (is that paint? An animal print? Brilliant either way), Kevski77 used artistic licence in the shades of yellow and blue (to great effect), and ONI’s Nike-branded entry was enough to secure third place.

That was the bronze medal accounted for, but there was no home for the silver because OTHYcreative, with what seems like a mountain-based sterling effort, and Corinth, with a patterned masterpiece, crossed the line together.

Cue the video of the Tokyo Olympics high jumpers because first place was shared and celebrated by two entrants, and deservedly so.


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