Kit Design Tutorial for BeginnersHere

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Despite recent troubles, Valencia Club de Fútbol, of Spain’s La Liga, have a glittering history both domestically and abroad, and their aesthetic identity gets concept designers very excited.

So, yes, a Kit of the Week (KOTW) challenge stage was more than warranted, and it was wonderful.

Valencia have a back catalogue of wonderful Away and Third designs - often incorporating light blue as a tribute to the nearby Mediterranean, orange (the city is particularly fruity) and/or the red and yellow of the Comunitat Valenciana’s “Reial Senyera” flag - therefore we shouldn’t be surprised that the majority of the entries were fantasy change shirts, like matthewfootball’s offering the inner-city cage design dreams are made of and ONI giving huge Mario Kempes vibes in elaborately keeping colours on point.

That’s not to say the Homes submitted didn’t impress. Windigo and cukun, for instance, both went batty in a big way - the bat is a central part of the club and community’s identity - but it is Sithuralom’s black change, incorporating the Art Nouveau roof of the Mercado Central, a silver Puma cat logo and the crest converted to orangy bronze, that won out via the (must-browse) voting.

A spectacular creation worthy of the win, and particularly impressive considering the brilliance of the competition.

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Oakleighman, no show without punch!
thanks, rozzimos. A sponsors logo can make or break a shirt. At least Ed put his money where his passion is. He could have given all his money to a ...
@OakleighmanPun intended?
5 - Othy3 - Duksfc1 - ONI
Nice design, SB, it has plenty of punch.
I really hope we get Greene King back as a sponsor after our contract with Ed expires