Kit Design Tutorial for BeginnersHere

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This time of year, with all the new kit launches, is always exciting, and it’s a chance to compare and contrast with Kit of the Week (KOTW) stages from the last twelve months.

The Tottenham Hotspur - Spurs - chapter was a cracker, with several entries that could be regarded as at least on a par with the real-life releases.

CBDesign12 and Demungos both did interesting things with the idea of pinstripes, with the latter even recolouring the AIA sponsorship logo from red to navy blue - surely a popular move.

And speaking of red, while it might be regarded as a little too Arsenal for some of the supporter base, it is believed to have provided the original Hotspur Football Club with the fill on their first crest, and this was authentically referenced by Sithuralom.

Also of note, fayed submitted a change with a very interesting design - check it out - and it was another alternative shirt that finally won out, with cukun’s multicoloured number scoring best in the voting.

Tottenham Nike


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