Kit Design Tutorial for BeginnersHere

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We’ve had a pretty exciting few weeks on DF with the challenges and the 219th Kit of the Week (KOTW) was spectacular.

Member TRIDENTE came out on top, and whilst no one would begrudge that victory - their Lotto-branded entry is a masterpiece - there are several other uploads that could have been equally deserving.

Democracy decided it and Croatia like a blue Away, handily. Still, there were several first choice design entries - different styles, influences and manufacturers - that would do the Kockasti proud too.

Seriously, don’t forget to look through the whole stage - it’s a joy.

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cage 11 hours ago Tafic FC
Transparent Background
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good minimisation of the badge and simplified sponsors logo. I could see Cambridge wearing this.
5- Aegon3- Tombot1- Ritt
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