Kit Design Tutorial for BeginnersHere

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In the final episode of Noah from Template FC’s concept kit creation tutorial, he covers how to save and display the fruits of our labour.

This concerns what filetype to save as, and the best settings to use therein, as well as how to go about including additional text and the backdrop to overlay creations on.

And, of course, Noah details how to be sure that the finished product is ready for upload, whether that be for Instagram or a community website such as DF. “Both” seems a no-brainer.

So that’s that. With Noah’s assistance through this series, many seasoned designers should be able to take to the next level with their fantasy designs, and even people yet to give it a try can surely now have the confidence to take the plunge. Football kit fans have never had it so good.

To start creating your designs with the help of these tutorials, follow these steps: - Download Photoshop or use the free alternative Photopea and get yourself a template to work with at Template FC.

Be sure to catch up on the other five episodes for more tips on how to develop unique kit concepts.

View: Kit Design Tutorial - Ep. 1 - Getting Started: How to Create Concept Football Kits

View: Kit Design Tutorial - Ep. 2 - Adding Designs

View: Kit Design Tutorial - Ep. 3 - Designing Your Own Kit

View: Kit Design Tutorial - Ep. 4 - Adding Texture

View: Kit Design Tutorial - Ep. 5 - Mock-up Adjustments

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