Kit Design Tutorial for BeginnersHere

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This installment of the Template FC kit design tutorial for Football Shirt Culture and involves finishing touches and subtle adjustments.

Noah firstly takes us through colour correction and lighting techniques, and while he admits these are amongst the most advanced procedures he covers, they are hugely valuable in ensuring the finished mockup looks lifelike and professional.

He also outlines how to realise other tweak ideas which may come to a designer later on in the process, as well as switching colours to create further shirts/kits in the same vein.

To start creating your designs with the help of these tutorials, follow these steps:

- Download Photoshop or use the free alternative Photopea and get yourself a template to work with at Template FC.

Be sure to catch up on the first four episodes and look out for the next for more tips on how to develop unique kit concepts.

View: Kit Design Tutorial - Ep. 1 - Getting Started: How to Create Concept Football Kits

View: Kit Design Tutorial - Ep. 2 - Adding Designs

View: Kit Design Tutorial - Ep. 3 - Designing Your Own Kit

View: Kit Design Tutorial - Ep. 4 - Adding Texture

View: Kit Design Tutorial - Ep. 6 - Saving and Displaying

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