Kit Design Tutorial for BeginnersHere

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Anything in the current geopolitical climate relating to Ukraine is certainly emotive, and that definitely goes for the national team.

For the 409th stage of the Crest Redesign Competition Weekly (CRCW), the task for DF members was to provide the said international side - and the UAF (Ukrayins'ka Asotsiatsiya Futbolu/Ukrainian Football Association) - with a new badge, with the current version so recognisable and so similar to the emblem often being seen worn by one Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Prudently, no member abandoned the look of the incumbent entirely, though, in different stages of detail, Narci, OTHYcreative and Ochoa510 referred to the reported avian origins of the trident - or “tryzub” - and siddharth_nelliat and Tombot went for a more angular line-drawing take, with the latter beautifully integrating the Telstar ball in the structure.

After all the votes were counted, Aegon’s simplification was announced as the winning submission. And deservedly so, as it is a lovely reinterpretation with a deliberate statement decision to include “УКРАЇНА”, “UKRAINE” in Ukrainian.

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hey do you still have these?