Kit Design Tutorial for BeginnersHere

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When it comes to fantasy crest design, DF really is the Alpha and Omega.

Well, the Omega will have to wait, but for the 389th stage of the Crest Redesign Competition Weekly (CRCW) we were providing concept options to Guyana Football Federation (GFF) Elite League side Alpha United Football Club.

And, whether they’re aware of it or not, they did pretty well out of it. The ten entries that eventually found themselves on the voting page included a lovely diamond-based design by OTHYcreative, with a similar, more-embellished version from Tombot coming third.

In second place, getting that metaphorical silver, was MVdzn’s design, which sees a diamond combined with a circular affair, and Aegon, to complete a poetic progression with a gorgeous almost-trademark roundel, won gold.

Alpha United FC
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