Kit Design Tutorial for BeginnersHere

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KF Tirana, of Albania’s Kategoria Superiore league, might not be in anyone’s top ten list of European footballing superpowers but they are a force to be reckoned with domestically - to say the least - and more than worthy of a Crest Redesign Competition Weekly (CRCW) stage.

That’s exactly what they got, and it was impressive, with DF members embracing the challenge with a wide range of approaches.

Imaginative stuff like illuminaqi’s shield-based offering (we got Flamengo vibes. Just us? Okay) was joined by uni0’s pretty minimalist offering and Ochoa510’s über-minimalist offering, but varying levels of glory were reserved for those who were going for gold through their use of gold.

That was the case with AdilAmalik, who snared the bronze, Tombot - okay, the silver-bagging design has brown/bronze as the tertiary tone - and Narci, who metaphorically got the most precious metal on offer through liberal use of it.

Three Clock Tower of Tirana-incorporating crackers and a tough decision arrived at through DF’s (non-)patented democracy. All that’s left to do is for KF Tirana to adopt one of the badges submitted.

KF Tirana


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