Kit Design Tutorial for BeginnersHere

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L'Associazione Sportiva Roma - AS Roma - are one of Italy’s most famous clubs. Along with SS Lazio, one of the capital city’s two heavyweights, the side currently coached by Jose Mourinho have an identity that is recognisable while encompassing multiple emblems.

So when Roma came to the Crest Redesign Competition Weekly (CRCW), the publication of the stage could have featured one of at least two current club badges, and that choice was also open to the members.

What is known as the Lupetto - the wolf-head logo designed by Piero Gratton - featured heavily, and eventually gave the stage its winner, but the more involved shield, with its Lupa Capitolina (complete with Romulus and Remus) also inspired several designs.

In the former camp, FormaJK really went to town with an ancient Roman look, Tarzaban went ultra modern and evoked Iron Man, and SSmithDesigns’ offering nodded to another Gratton creation, the Lollipop Kit.

But it was, via the voting, OTHYcreative who came out on top. The Lupetto with extra depth and a little drop shadow, just in time to be adopted, should the powers that be decree, for the adidas era…

AS Roma


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@OTHYcreativeits ok,  i dont want any argument...competition is important as an input for creativity...the outcome of the contest is secondary, given the current rules for votingi can see  myself when ...