Kit Design Tutorial for BeginnersHere

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There are wondrous things happening on DF right now but site royalty Rabbi was recently (re)crowned the winner of a stage of the Crest Redesign Competition Weekly (CRCW).

With the focus on the San Marino national team - and indeed the San Marino Football Federation (FSGC) - Rabbi’s design, like so many winning designs recently, finds the sweet spot between modernism and tradition and delivers something those Sammarinese players would be proud to wear on their chests.

There was a lot going on in this stage. Plenty went heavy on the pseudo-monarchal stylings - the crown on the country’s emblems actually represents the republic’s sovereignty - but Rabbi toned this down to focus on other traditional aspects.

The whole affair was a treat which represented a standard for the FC Ararat Yerevan, Żejtun Corinthians and Missile FC chapters to aim for. So, when looking through the entries to those, remember it was all that San Marino’s fault. Everyone knows that.

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