Kit Design Tutorial for BeginnersHere

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Another week, another CRCW winner. This time it’s Dynamic and their splendid JEF United Chiba offering.

Ironically enough, the Japanese side’s actual crest is one of the more, yes, dynamic in the J2 League. But the DF member’s rejuvenation approaches it from another angle, and the result is a stylish creation with a slightly stronger leaning towards the globally traditional.

There was actually a huge amount of variety in this edition of the rolling challenge, and that’s been seen again in the İstanbul Başakşehir uploads. The voting concerning those closes at 23:59, 20 August 2021 EET, along with the chance to upload entries to the current JS Kabylie refresh.

Crest Redesign Competition Weekly does what it says, a little unconventionally, on the tin. Blink ’n’ you’ll miss ’em, so get involved.

JEF United Ichihara Chiba - Redesign

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