you are not want to say that everybody else actually are designing from scratch eagles,trains,bulls or balls ? they design their own unique fonts just for the competition ? do u do that,or moom ? i just collect pieces from internet for my inspiration that's all,this is a sign of bad character,to being forced by people that also participate in the competition because they are neurotic (?) to justify my designs or have to say my sources !! who has done this ? this is so pathetic,I am sorry..
I also use pieces from internet in my designes, but I also use shapes when I work in Photoshop CS6. Anyway, still a nice design :D It is everybodys choise when designing, you either use shapes and other pieces, or you can design all by yourself. But come on now. Who doesnt use or used custom shapes and other stuff from internet?
There's a large diff between a ball and a stylized eagle. There are very few variations of soccer ball designs, while there are thousands of ways to depict an eagle in crest form. Your eagle isn't a "shape", it's a complete design, and it's the entirety of your crest, and it's not your creation.
"Everybody does it" isn't a valid excuse, you'd be surprised how many people don't do it, it's usually the people winning these crest competitions. If they use anything, it's at least minimal, and redrawn. Yours is copy pasted, that's why it's fuzzy and only like 200 px wide.
The guy who used the actual Minnesota Timberwolves logo for his Wolverhampton crest put more effort into it than you did
I'm not in this competition, actually. Just like I said below with the soccer balls, fonts and major components like stylized eagles are not on the same plane of importance in the crest, as their variance is very low.
The only thing "pathetic" about this is the fact you're defending the use of stealing [i]stock imagery[/i] in a contest of original work. Regardless of the copyright infringement aspect (which I would be a bit dramatic to bring up in full) , you're doing a major disservice to the people in this competition who post original, self made work.
Your opinion, you have every right then not to vote my crest.I am not a professional designer, I just like the graphic design in sports so I participate here.But I have no right to point out in such a bad manner an entrance of a particular participant that didn't took advance of any of your creations or anyone else's. It's not fair,noone put you as design police on this site after all and plus,it's not Fairplay for the contest.
I think I get the gist of what you're saying but the fact is that what I said is [i]not[/i] an opinion. Its just a subjective observation that what you've posted is unaltered, stolen work. You're deflecting and just providing silly excuses. Almost everybody here, including myself, is a non-professional designer, but nobody uses it as an excuse to steal work. Absolutely lame.
what's on internet,can be shared,what ''steal'' means ??? i just take things and combine them to create something new..and as you said,keep your subjective observation,you don't have to be bitter and with bad intentions on other people's work.Your right to appreciate or not ends with your vote.
It's not 'new', though, is it? It's a copyrighted eagle design with a football above it. That's all you've done. There is a clear difference between using existing designs for inspiration, and [i]just copying them in[/i].
He made an error of judgement, no need to attack the character of a good member of the site who is always active.
Instead of criticizing his decision to use a stock image, try giving some tips on how he can improve his skills to a level where he can make his own drawings.
Stock image or not, it's a good design, he at least had the vision to put these elements together.
You are right bro, and I am a real fan of a lot of the stuff giannakakis has produced over the past few years. But I will always encourage original work, it's one of the key elements in moving forwards as a designer!