Design Football The Community-Based Home of Concept Football Kit and Crest Designs
Home » Challenges » Transform your Clothes into Football Kits (closed).
It is obviously that we buy our clothing is because we like it/them , but, How does it look as a football kit? that´s the idea of this competition: Take your shirts, t-shirts, jackets, shoes, pants, coats, etc and transform them into football kits! RULES: 1)You must upload the image that check that you are transforming YOUR clothes. 2) Any team and brand (real or fantasy) 3) Deadline : April 24th) There will be chosen 3 winners. Good luck! NiGarCas UPDATE - 01/05/2015 WINNERS ! First. I have to say that ALL the designs you made were wonderful, it was hard to me decide the best 3 kits. 1 - birrei / Nagoya Grampus Away. 2 - MartinLeRoy / Liverpool Away. 3 - LokoLoko123 / Atlas Third. Thanks to all the participants!