I have those templates too http://mydiskm.ucweb.com/es/img/show?uc_param_str=frpfvesscpmilaprnisieintbi&file_id=5487506167920037889&s_uid=301362836&back_url=http%3A%2F%2Fmydiskm.ucweb.com%2Fes%2Fnetdisk%2Fdirview%3Fuc_param_str%3Dfrpfvesscpmilaprnisieintbi%26dir_id%3D14152425191042524161%26cur_page%3D1%26edit_mode%3D0 I downloaded from a shirts design forum, but I don't remember the name :)
Jajaja gracias zeruch :) y si es en serio soy un novato en esto del photoshop desde que era niƱo me ha gustado dibujar camisetas de futbol pero apenas estoy iniciando en esto :)
well, congratulation on your start Contreras :-) keep post your design and you'll get better in designing a kit. but if you look closer, it does seems familiar to me http://kaisersport.blogspot.com/search/label/fc%20basel http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-69ZLKx6voaM/UAuY6whE63I/AAAAAAAAAFc/RouYwN3hfUc/s1600/2011baselhome.png
It's the exact same kit as kunto's, just edited. you can see the poor job of erasing out the champions league patches as well as kunto's fantasy brand logo under the barca crest, which i assume was used to cover the smaller basel crest that was placed on that same spot. the brand logos on the socks and shorts were also poorly erased.
I agree. There's a clear difference between using a template to create your own design, and drawing all over someone else's work without even changing the fundamental design. Poor from you, Contreras. If you took the time to create something unique and individual then it would benefit both you and the design football community.