Home Kit:
For the home kit I have stuck to the brief and went for an all-white design, the shirt is a very modern design with blue and red stripes that start by curling around the collar before going part way down the middle of the shirt before disappearing and then reappearing at the bottom again, the way in which it is cut off is at an angle so that it goes into a point this makes it an eye-catching, modern shape. This is accompanied by plain shorts and socks that give it a clean, sharp and simple look. All of the colours used are that of the USA flag.
On the back of the design you will see that it is very simple and plain, the only feature you will see on it is the flag of the USA placed just under the collar as a finishing touch.
Away Kit:
The away kit is a strikingly modern design that incorporates the USA flag, with the blue and white stars on one side and the red and white stripes on the other so that it ties into the same colour scheme as the home design, but the black base of the kit is so that it would not clash with the home design if a change kit is required. You will find that there are flashes of blue on the right side of the shirt and shorts, and red flashes on the left side. Whereas the socks have a half blue and half red design on each one, this keeps to a modern design along with the colour scheme. This is to continue the patriotic theme throughout as well as making a plain black kit come alive and be a lot more modern and vibrant.
On the back of the design you will see each of the arms still have the same design on them as they do on the front; the rest of the back of the kit is plain black. The flag of the USA is also placed just under the collar as a finishing touch.
Third Kit:
For the third kit I have went for an eye-catching design with an unusual colour scheme, the yellow and brown colours I have picked come from that of the USAs coat of arms. The brown is from the feathers of the eagle with the yellow coming from the beak and feet of the eagle. The actual design of the kit has a yellow base with a quarter of the shirt along with the sleeve on the top left side being brown; this is a modern design that is very different to the first 2 designs. The shorts are then all brown with yellow flashes, whereas the socks are yellow with flashes of brown along the top.
On the back of the shirt you will see the yellow base remains along with the backside of the brown sleeve, following on from the front of the kit, the socks continue the same design as they do on the front whereas the shorts are just a plain brown. Lastly the flag of the USA is placed just under the collar as a finishing touch, as it is on all 3 of the designs.