"Aslant on Bent Seas" is a personal blog, offering translations from various Galician-language poets into English. It's hoped that it'll bring a bit of variety to this competition. In terms of design: the Home kit reflects the design of the blog's homepage. The Away is based on the Galician flag (consisting of a blue diagonal (running from the upper left to bottom right corner) on a white background). The use of black here mirrors a flag used by the local "Nunca Maís" protest group- founded over a decade ago in response to a massive oil spill along the region's coast. Given the somewhat unique subject of the blog in this league- it was important to highlight it; therefore the Third strip features the lyrics of Galicia's anthem, in the handwriting of its authour- Eduardo Pondal. Both GK kits are less symbolic, and instead were designed to offer contrast from the outfield kits.