· 10 months ago
Hello all! It appeared that this amazing competition is ones again celebrating a huge milestone... the 400 edition. For those who doesn't know, the competition started in 2016 by Ziko and it's still kicking strong and today.
As the other anniversary edition (350, 300, 250....) the rules will be the same:
- Every designer will send to me via site DM's or email at narcisbratu97@gmail.com the redesign in PNG format to be put on a special template dedicated to the last 50 editions, and I will posted it on the site alongside some info about the designer as soon as my schedule let me. No worry, as soon as I receive a redesign you are certain to enter the Voting Phase.
- I ask you to send me redesigns at least 500 px minimul and 1500 px maximum, to not have problems at the files transfer.
Good like to everyone who is gonna take part at this 2 weeks of celebration and Thank You all who send his amazing pieces of work every week to continue to have a fun and wonderfull competition!
As the other anniversary edition (350, 300, 250....) the rules will be the same:
- Every designer will send to me via site DM's or email at narcisbratu97@gmail.com the redesign in PNG format to be put on a special template dedicated to the last 50 editions, and I will posted it on the site alongside some info about the designer as soon as my schedule let me. No worry, as soon as I receive a redesign you are certain to enter the Voting Phase.
- I ask you to send me redesigns at least 500 px minimul and 1500 px maximum, to not have problems at the files transfer.
Good like to everyone who is gonna take part at this 2 weeks of celebration and Thank You all who send his amazing pieces of work every week to continue to have a fun and wonderfull competition!