Well,quite straightforward this one.
You must make all three of home-away-CL shirt.
Creating a crest is not mandatory,although if created it should be in a separate entry too.
Home kit must be all red,away shirt white with shorts-socks free to choose.
Light blue and white stripes or hoops are forbidden,although blue in its own can be used.
Kitmaker must be adidas,sponsor free to choose
The organizer of the competition (selhao) cannot compete.
The competition closes in 17 November.
Happy designing!
Update:17 November Comp now closed. Winners should be announced later today. Any entry posted until winners are announced will be taken into consideration too.
OK,Closed for real. Delayed announcement of the winners since there were few entries
Best Home kit: Martin127 - A really classic design,with a few subtle touches that make it look like it's from nowadays.
Best Away kit: Fenton - Easily best kit of the competition. An amazing and unusual design, that could easily be seen as a realistic design too.
Best 3rd kit: giannakakis - The most straightforward of all the 3rd shirt entries to have been posted,nice colours and a simple design.
Congratulations to all for entering.