@ty What???? I worked at this a whole day..I remake the crown from 0, man. The shape is general, you can find this at Nike Club, anywhere. You are stupid! How can you say that I copy a shape....if the content it isn't same. Man, you say a stupid!
well..i said about the shape, not the content..and for your record, this shield is not ''general''...copying a specific/complex shape is not the same as designing using a basic shape like circle/square/triangle...you either copy the pascal shape, or both of you copied the shape from somewere else...[nike club, as you said, i dont care, you lazy ''designers''] [img]http://105.imagebam.com/download/2zue_0GUPi2hRvR53ZGB2w/45686/456851193/111.png[/img]
If someone make after a round or square shape is lazy...a???? is lazy..you are lazy, you are an idiot. If I I want I make shoes shape :)))). Is not a rule this, man. You are an idiot if you think that designers are lazy...
i see now...youre the newest user here, but such a smart ass [and bad english speaker, thats why i start using images for you to understand something]...i would like to meet you in person, Rebecca...