Matupeco, GET OUT OF HERE! You should be working for a kit manufacturing company right now. I love this concept, the shirt is reversible but its distinct enough on both sides and really stays true to what a sevillista would want.
Im not too sure on the "wripped" effect towards the bottom, maybe id like a straight digonal line to give entrance to the stripes, but its just a small detail that is a matter of my own taste.
This is great, I think all Fans wish this was real! Consireing how good you are with graphics, how about filling that chest band with some meaningful historic writing in red? :yes:
Jajaja no soy diseñador profesional!!! Y pense en darle un toque histórico a la línea gris, pero las cosas que se me ocurrieron las dejé para la versión 3. Gracias nuevamente por tu comentario!