MatchDay 5 : DF League 2 : Joe Gillibrand vs. Moom
In order to decide which teams that DF League 2 is competing with, a draw will occur. A random league from around the world ( top flight only ) will be drawn. Then a random team will be drawn and assigned to each matchup.
So you and me are in league two, we draw the K-League. Then for our match-day, we draw FC SEOUL. We both make FC Seoul Shirts.
Sounds complicated, but it'd be more smooth in action.
Love it Moom! Pretty much exactly what I was thinking with the match-up every two weeks and a common theme for each round.
I hadn't considered splitting the league into 2 groups before though and although I'm not 100% in agreement with how it would work and be split, I can't really come up with any reason to staunchly oppose it.
My main suggestion would be to set a standard canvas size for entries to be submitted on. Choice of template is free but as long as the canvas is the same size then displaying the match-ups will be better.
Sorry i'm very slow on the uptake - though it only says Alvin vs Bigsby in matchday 1 am I right in assuming that everybody plays each matchday? So in your example, everybody in the league would be designing a K league kit on that certain matchday, with it being a different team in each different matchup. (Hope this makes sense)
@RedStarLiverpool Yes, you're correct. Although to mix it up, League 1 could be doing a different league. I think it'd be a good idea for the leagues to alternate by week. So if the submissions are due every two weeks, one league can start one week before the other, so we get to see match ups every week as opposed to waiting.
@Fenton I think if there was two leagues, it'd help with biased voting. It'd guarantee that at least half the votes would be unbiased, with the rest of them hopefully ( but not as ) biased. I know we have a nice community here so that shouldn't be a problem. But two leagues also leaves us with a schedule so there's matchups every week, even though each league has two weeks to design. they'll be on different time-frames.
@moom if we were worried about bias then each league voting for the other league would remove that i suppose. but i don't know if that would be enough votes in total
Hey friends, I have not a very good level on English. Can someone explain me the info about Offseason Cup? If you can in Spanish, or maybe in english but on a way I can understand better. Thanks
@NiGarCas Al terminarse las ligas, los mejores ocho de las dos ligas seran situados en torneo corto de ocho. Osea dos torneos cortos de ocho. Cada quien en su respectiva liga. Empezando en cuartos hasta la final. Ese seria el formato del torneo despues de las ligas o el "offseason cup".
How long will each season be? After one season is complete I would believe you will continue this league cause it sounds like a great idea, yes? Also, whoever wants to join has to do so at the beginning of the season and no entrances will be accepted after that season starts right?