· 3 years ago
Aquí mi justificación, Mi propuesta se basa en un escudo antiguo circular con un balón con los colores de la bandera Chadiana, decidí incluir el sol que se encuentra en su Escudo de Armas pero con un efecto de línea así también hacer espacios negativos que rememoran la arquitectura del país,en concreto, las puertas de las casas típicas hechas de Barro.
Here my justification, My proposal is based on an old circular shield with a ball in the colors of the Chadian flag, I decided to include the sun that is in its Coat of Arms but with a line effect as well as make negative spaces that recall the Country architecture, specifically, the doors of typical houses made of Clay.
Here my justification, My proposal is based on an old circular shield with a ball in the colors of the Chadian flag, I decided to include the sun that is in its Coat of Arms but with a line effect as well as make negative spaces that recall the Country architecture, specifically, the doors of typical houses made of Clay.