@Rabbi Because Corinth and Pierre's have an red outline, and on a red background will not have been seen, and i cannot make the all background white because the rest of the designs have and white ountline... so i decide to do a background in the background
@Narci We have had this discussion here before where it was decided to stick to the given background and we should all of us know that by now, I was originally a genst it and thought we should have neutral background, but if we are to have a background at all it should be so for all of us, no exception.
@Rabbi The normal background has the color of the area where are the crest and name when a team is announced (Girona was red) but every designer have the liberty to do their crest what color they wants even if it match the color of the background. And about the neutral color background it will not work in all editions. As a example ADO Den Haag and San Francisco FC Editions had an neutral background (white) but there it works 'cause neither of the redesigns had an white outline that messed with the background as in other cases from this or the last 2 weeks. I try to use the team color schemes in every edition and an green background on a team with red and white as main colors will simply not work. Neither nor white or black will nor work as neutral backgrounds because some designs have lighter or darker outline who can not be seen because of the background.
@Narci I would argue in-situ would work. With the teams home kit colour becoming the background colour. People are designing with that in mind after all.
If anything the effect of peirres is weakened on white, so the fact it is still good is great!
@Narci Narco my friend I don't want to make a issue out of this and I did except the decision of having the background in the club colors although I did not like it at the time and to avoid mistakes for the designers in the future I agree with you to underline that we are to take in to consideration how the background is to be so we are all on the same page with this. Hope you did not take it personally me pointing this out.