It's very probabil that your navy blue shade will blend with the one of the background. Your choice about this advice. I am done keeping to say that, all of you post a design, keep minding that the background of the voting post will represent the main color of the team home kit.
At first I was thinking what are you talking about, but than I realized that Chicago Fire changed also their colors of the kit, sorry mate, my mistake, I'll change it when I come home.
Also, may I suggest something, why not just post in the voting the picture people submit, whatever background we chose, that way you don't get upset when someone makes a honest mistake.
Not a problem. We had some time ago a discussion about the background issue. I've tried to put the designs that blends with the background on another color, a another colored square, but it haven't the results i hoped for, many wanting the background to be only one solid color' neutral or not. And some times neither neutral colors will not work because will looks really weird. And for putting the images as they are post is another weird looking method, as in my opinion will look like kinda a mosaic that will be messy, and i will try to avoid any matching between the design background and my template. And i want to keep the methods those before me did (png redesigns on a solid color background).
Are we stil debating the background colour of the designs. May I suggest that in every round the background colour is specified so there are no doubt about what it is, new members or designers that have not taken part before may not know how this works or what have been decided earlier, just a thought.
In that case, i will write in the description section the color of the background (and maybe the rgb code). But the problem is some don't even bother to read the description. I think that additionally i will write a comment to with the color. I will try this idea from crcw 203.