Kit Design Tutorial for BeginnersHere

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gonzales Discussion started by gonzales 13 years ago

1) You have to follow the rules presented each week, if not you can't be voted and won't win

2) The weekly points to follow are:

team____determined that week


brand____free/determined that week

sponsors__free/determined that week

3) The kits must be uploaded between 00:00 of monday and 24:00 of saturday. On sunday's will be announced the winner and the following assingment. Everybody can upload design

4) Everyone can vote. Everbody should vote between 00:00 of monday and 24:00 of saturday, if not the vote doesn't count. The system of voting is simple, you give a rating between 1 and 10 and tell why you voted like this. Then we make an average of the votes.The kit whit more rating wins the week assingment.
The photos will be uploaded to the team album(the first is as roma so the photos you have to upload at the as roma album)

the raitings will be uploaded as comments in the photos(if you want to give an 8 to the first design you right 8 and why bllow the photo as a coment.

5) The best year designer will finish on Saturday 29 of december . The person that wins more week assingment will be the best year designer